To comfort the afflicted........

It is a spiritual work of mercy to console people who are in distress, whether they be strangers or people close to us! Sometime last month, i met someone who is suffering with a terminal illness. We talked for a while and i sympathised with her plight! We have met several times since then and she has left a mark on my life.

Sometimes, we need to have perspective so that we can better appreciate God's gift of life. Yesterday i met her again and she wasn't doing so well. She is in so much pain and she has a child to look after. When we talked she was in tears and i didnt know how to console her. I told her that in life, some people seem to suffer more than others but we will not know the reason why untill we are called to eternity by our creator! I told her, it was God who brought us together and God Loving people still exist in this world. I tried to keep her hope alive!

You do not have to look far to see someone in desperate need. There are so many lonely people, searching for some comfort and hope in their lives. It is indeed true that we are blessed so that we can bless those who seem less fortunate. God lives in his people and he is calling out to you to stretch out your hand and touch someone's life today. In anyway you can, keep hope alive in humanity. God bless you all!

Ps : Mary comfort of the afflicted, pray for us!


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