I am Human first............

Last week i was reading an article about how the Chinese current aid boom in Africa has ulterior motives and strings attached! Apparently, the Chinese government has the right (according to signed contracts) to seize national assets in case debts are not repayed by the agreed time! Hmmmm.......this is very troubling indeed and not very ethical!

However, it got me to thinking about the place of patriotism in our world today! During the colonial era, some countries like Britain, conquered large parts of Africa and the Americas for prestige and possibly industry! A country's conquered territories brought a sense of national pride for the reigning monarchs and leaders. For the conquered territories however, native populations were subdued and decimated and some had their cultures eroded in favour of the conqueror's foreign designs!


I will take the case of Africa, some of our traditions were deemed barbaric and backward, so we were forced to take on European influences and lifestyles! In my opinion, some of the problems we are seeing today in Africa were caused by colonialism. Some colonialists used our various tribal differences to divide us and subdue us! The introduction of monetary and capitalist, materialist lifestyle has also fueled corruption. We as Africans also need to take our share of the blame for being selfish and sacrificing national development  for personal wealth and ambition!

That being said, i realize we need to have love for our countries and protect national interests and wealth but what matters is how we go about it! Am i being respectful of other people? Am i after only my own interests to get a one sided deal where the other party feels cheated or cornered? We are always trying to one up one another or trick someone under the guise of a negotiation! Today, i say that i am HUMAN first and Ugandan second! I respect the dignity and rights of every person on this planet no matter their station in life. I pray for the day when we will think first of the needs of others before our own....where we will put the interests of the downtrodden in society first! God bless you all!


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