The man behind the white collar.....

The Catholic Church has been taking alot of heat from the recent expose' on abusive Priests. I can only imagine how devastating this is to the many devoted Catholics worldwide and how destructive this has been to the lives of the victims. I empathise with them and our prayers are with you always.

Last week i read an article about how priests these days are viewed with suspicion and thinly veiled anger! So much so that they are now afraid to wear the white collar and it has caused them shame. Yes, i am a proud catholic and this scandal has indeed caused me and no doubt some others great shame.

However we need to remember that all men are fallible. I cannot condone what the abusive priests did. What they did has caused so much pain to the innocent victims and has wounded the church severely not to mention the cover up by some bishops! It is truly abhorent! But the Catholic Church was started by Christ himself and she will endure everything!

Let us not fill our hearts with hatred and prejudice. There are still some good priests who serve the Lord whole heartedly. Let us unite our hearts in prayer for the victims and the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I pray that there will be justice for the victims and that those who preyed on them will finally pay for their crimes. To those loyal priests out there, keep your head held high and remember always that you embody the dignity of Jesus Christ himself  and you must never betray it! God bless you all!


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