When you are God's choice.............

In the old testament, we discover the amazing story of David, Israel's great King! David faced alot of hardships and opposition from Saul. His life was often in danger but he triumphed in the end becasue he was faithful to God and because he was God's CHOICE!

When God chooses someone for a position in life, you cannot change it. You cannot go against the will of God! Yesterday i was reminded of that in a homily by a young priest in my local church. He also reminded us that envy and jealousy come from thinking that you deserve someone else's position, wealth, beauty, e.t.c.

Always remember that no matter your weaknesses or your station in life, when God chooses you, he will ensure your success. We need not look at and compare our situations in life with others. Entrust your life to God and he will guide you to wherever you were meant to be and you will achieve your greatest potential in Life by trusting God! Lord, help me to accept your will in all things and surrender my life to you completely. Amen


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