Again i say rejoice!

Last sunday's readings were centred on the joy of advent! The joy that only the birth of our Lord Jesus can bring! Pleasure is fleeting but true joy comes from knowing the Lord and from loving him. Everything else is hopeless without Christ. There is nothing that can compare and we can never be fulfilled untill we truly unite ourselves to him!

Christmas is always my favorite time of the year. I just cant help but feel excited when i see the decorations especially the lights! Oh the lights really get me. The true meaning of christmas is sometimes lost in all the expectations for gifts and other material things. In the desire for excessive indulgement in eating and making merry!

That is not the true meaning of christmas and neither is santa! The true meaning of christmas has always and will always be about the birth of our Lord! Indeed, a great light has come to the world and we shall no longer dwell in darkness! Let us all remember the true meaning of christmas and rejoice! Let us put a smile on every face and ensure that no one is alone and in need of anything. Let us embrace each other with the fire of God's love!

"Truly, he taught us to love one another... and in his name all oppression shall cease! Meditate on the song O holy night. Come lord Jesus.... come and renew the earth with the fire of your love! Amen


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