
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Light of christmas.........

In Matthew 2 : 6, It is written : AND YOU, BETHLEHEM, LAND OF JUDAH, ARE BY NO MEANS LEAST AMONG THE LEADERS OF JUDAH; FOR OUT OF YOU SHALL COME FORTH A RULER WHO WILL SHEPHERD MY PEOPLE ISRAEL.'" Christmas is here again and the spirit of christmas is alive! But stop to ponder about the true meaning of christmas. We are bombarded with adverts everyday about shopping, receiving gifts and eating our hearts out but is this the true meaning of christmas? When did it become more about presents and Santa Claus? About shopping and eating? Christmas is about the coming of the great Light (Jesus). It is about how we receive that light and how we spread it to those in still in darkness! Christ is coming as he did over 2000 years ago in that little town of bethlehem! In that cave, hidden from the world, our saviour was born and he is coming again to be born in our hearts. The question is, are our hearts ready to receive him? Look around you

You are not rejected!

I got a very inspiring message on sunday morning about how builders use broken bricks later on in the building process to complete their work. The broken bricks are a metaphor for people in society who are basically ignored and considered of no value because of their station in life! People can even seem to reject you for no apparent reason or fault of your own. God does not create worthless things and human beings especially are created with the dignity of bearing his image and being his children, are heirs to his kingdom. God uses the perceived weak as his instruments of glory. He loves a humble heart and such a heart will be exalted at the right moment in time. It hurts so much to feel rejected. I do not know if there is a person alive who hasn't felt that way at some point in their lives. I know i have and its a terrible feeling. You may be forgotten now because of your sitiuation but God can never forget you. Just like the builder searches for the half bricks to complet

Receiving God with a pure heart.....

In this season of advent, we as christians are all waiting with joy for the birth of Christ! It is indeed an ocassion to rejoice on christmas. For we were once slaves to sin and death, but now we are free thanks to his coming! But do we often reflect that Jesus comes to us every day in the sacrament of the eucharist. Are we ready to receive him? The Eucharist is a mystery of the church. Jesus loves us so much that even after he died and resurrected and ascended to the father, he did not want to ever be apart from us. He made it so that every time mass is said and the priest consecrates the host, it is transformed into his essence. He is truly present in the eucharist as true God and true man! Many catholics and other christians, doubt the presence of Jesus in the eucharist. Its even more heartbreaking that even some priests and religious doubt this as well. I am a sinner and i know it but i am forever grateful to God for making himself a "prisoner of love." He is prese