
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Rock of St. Peter........

There is only one true church founded by Jesus himself and that is the Holy Roman Catholic Church! The Church is literally built on the bones of St. Peter himself. (St. Peter's basilica in Rome). In Matthew chapter 16, Jesus says to Peter, "you are Peter (kefa) and on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail over it!" There have been many criticisms of our current Pope, Francis. Some conservative and traditional Catholics think him to be too "soft" and have accused him of causing confusion by some of his statements and by the recent synods especially the one on the Amazon. (where priestly celibacy was up for discussion and the pachamama was displayed in the Vatican). Some even viewed this as a display of idolatry and were outraged! I will not judge the Pope's words and actions anymore than i would judge other peoples! The motives behind one's actions and words are hidden from mortals and only God can rightly judg

Obsession with darkness.....

People have started to think about Halloween which occurs on the last day of October each year as a "harmless" holiday. In fact its become such a big holiday in certain countries like the United States that it may one day even surpass Christmas! Cities and homes are often decorated with all kind of scary decorations and games are created for children. It seems all in good fun as we try to spook each other out but have we ever stopped to ponder about our current obsession with darkness? If you take a close look at our current media, both print and television even the internet, you will discover a disturbing curiosity in the occult! People do not even seem to realize how wrong that is! We think its just a joke or entertainment for us. Wicca and other new age ideologies are on the rise and we think that even witches can be good, so called light magic! Do not be fooled, there is no such thing as good witches or good magic! Human beings were not meant to be clairvoyant or hav