
Showing posts from November, 2018

Christ is King......

Last Sunday, we celebrated the solemnity of Christ the King! In this great feast we are reminded that Jesus is the true King and highest power in the universe! He is subject to none and Lord and master of all things in Heaven, on earth and in the underworld! We also remember that although Christ has dominion over all things, his motto on earth was "i am among you as one who serves" When the mother of James and John approached Jesus seeking glory for her sons and asking that one sit on his left and one on his right, he told her that those positions would only be granted to those chosen by the Father! Later on he called the disciples to himself as they were grumbling over what she had just requested. He told them that his kingdom was not like the kingdoms of this world where royalty crushed and oppressed their subjects, lording over them! In Christ's kingdom whoever wants to be first, must be last and servant of all! The humility of Christ is truly a marvel consid

End of Days..........

That was the title of one of the popular movies of 1999. It echoed the speculation and anxiety about the year 2000 AD. For a long time, humanity has been obsessed with the conclusion of our time on earth. Will it be a cataclysmic event that wipes out all life? Will it be as described in the apocalypse, with changes in the atmosphere and great signs in the sky, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions! Some "charismatic" people have even used this anxiety to lead many to their untimely deaths! (sigh) In my own country Uganda, there was a group led by a former Catholic priest(Joseph Kibewteere) and Nun (Credonia Mwerinde) that misled hundreds of people with their false visions of the Virgin Mary and the apocalypse, utlitmately murdering them by burning, strangulation and poisoning. Some of their victims were innocent children! Jesus already warns us of unnecessary anxiety over his coming. He already told us not to be swayed by the tongues and works of false prophets! I admire

A call to be chaste..........

The scandal involving the priesthood in the Catholic Church has been very much publicized of late and people are rightfully angry! It seems to have been going on for a while now and some people are debating on whether or not the religious vow of chastity should be relaxed by the church. Someone was even saying even St. Peter had a wife. Jesus called the disciples from their normal lives to a higher vocation! Indeed, Peter had a wife and i think some of the others did as well but their lives are always transformed when they encounter Christ. There are so many examples of the call to chastity but i will mention a few. We shall start with Mary of Magdala. When she first encountered Jesus, she was a wealthy and very beautiful young woman who indulged in many affairs with men. She was considered by the society to be a loose and immoral woman. But when she encounters Christ, she is changed forever! She becomes a model of true virtue and chastity! Let us also take the example of my pat

Power and scruples...........

I am still in shock over the recent brutal murder of journalist Jamal Kashoggi in the Saudi embassy in Turkey! The crown prince of Saudi Arabia has even been accused of having a hand in his murder. (one of the suspects Maher Mutreb, was a direct aide of prince Muhammed bin Salman). My condolences to his family who are distraught over not being able to bury his body. Reports of his murder suggest that he was probably strangled and then his body dismembered and cut up to be smuggled out of the saudi consulate in Istanbul! (sighhh) I dont want to jump to conclusions but it looks very likely that the top leadership in Saudi Arabia had something to do with his murder, either directly or indirectly. As Meryl Streep once said, "when the rich and powerful use their priveledge and position to bully others, everybody loses" Power must always be tempered by great humility and responsibility! It is indeed seductive and deceitful in that, it can corrupt someone into thinking the