
Showing posts from September, 2017

learning to make concessions.....

You cannot be right all the time and everyone has a right to have his or her own view about something. Granted , sometimes peoples views and behavior is difficult to accept but you cannot understand someone untill you see things from his perspective. Sometimes you may even be right but to avoid unecessary conflicts, let it go. Do not try to convince the other party that they are wrong. It is necessary to have a firm stand on certain things like what you believe in but you cannot force everyone to follow your belief. Let's take  the example of Religious beliefs. Some people were born into a certain faith and it has been solidified as they grew up. While i think people need to choose their own path as they grow older, i cannot judge someone based on their beliefs. I cannot say that i am right in my faith and they are wrong in theirs! People may dislike you based on your beliefs but it doesnt matter, let them. Go on with your life. Do not lose sleep over what people may or m...

By the Grace of God....

On monday night, i was involved in a car accident on my way home from work.(faulty brakes) I was not the one driving and i have to say most likely is the driver's fault for not having the car propoerly checked out! If you are driving a public service , the least you can do is ensure the safety of your passengers! Honestly,, we need to realize that money isn't worth somebody's life! Anyway, all the passenegers in the car survived with minor injuries and i know it was God's grace that saved us! I am not a good person, we are all human and make mistakes. I dont deserve to live more than anyone else. How many people die in accidents everyday? There is nothing special about me, God's grace was with us even though we did not deserve it. Life is a gift freely given by God,  we do not deserve his grace! We are all sinners but God is gracious and merciful. Thanks be to God that i am still alive. Sometimes we want so many things and yet we forget that what we alread...