Living without day at a time!

Usually at the moment of death, i think we regret the things we DIDN'T do rather than the things we did! I haven't been at that point yet but i imagine those would be my thoughts too! We wont be thinking about work and career but about how much we lived and loved!

We are so preoccupied with work most of our lives that we forget to really live. We are here on earth for a purpose and work is part of that purpose but its not all we are! I recently got an inspirational video and the message was that we postpone living. The fact is we live and we die and we cannot control our birth or death. We can only choose how we will live in between.

We should never be frustrated about our jobs / work. Its only a part of life and we shouldnt focus on it too much waiting for a time when we can enjoy later! The time to live is now! Be happy and remember you only live once. Do not let life pass you by, take time to enjoy life one day at a time. Spend time with your family and friends while you still can and keep a heart open to love no matter how many times you get hurt! God bless you all!

PS: Jesus says " I have come so that you may have life and life to the fullest!"


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