Futility in life

Does it sometimes seem to you that no matter how hard you try, something just isn't working out? It could be in your relationships, in your work or in certain things in life we want. Sometimes you are tempted to give up on it. The truth is some things are just not meant to be but you have to know the difference between things got through patience and things that are not meant to be!

I am proud to be a christian and as Christians , we believe God has a purpose and plan for our lives and we are on earth to fulfill his purpose. In an earlier post, i recommended reading a purpose driven life by Rick Warren. (Please read that book) Each and everyone of us has a purpose and plan for his/her life uniquely, willed by God. God's plan for your life is what is right and good for you and many times our plans are not always aligned to God's plan. There is a saying that goes "Man makes plans and God laughs".

While i do not think that is exactly true ("i don't think God laughs at our plans?, we need to be open to God's plan for us and submit to his will! Sometimes your life seems futile because you are trying to go against God's will for your life. Take a moment, give your worries and your plans to God, and the rest will be history! God bless you all!


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