Jubilee year of mercy!

Pope Francis recently declared a jubilee year of mercy which will end in November 2016.  Mercy is God's greatest attribute but how often we abuse it or fail to make use of it! There is a saying that goes, "to error is human and to forgive is divine". It is not easy to forgive someone for hurting you and we tend to hold on to grudges caused by past hurts!

Think on how much God forgives you for your sins. Consider that God loved you and forgave you even before you loved and knew him and he will always be ready to forgive you when you fall. Not matter how many times you stumble, God will pick you up! Have confidence and fall before God's merciful feet, he will pick you up and embrace you with love but have a firm conviction not to sin anymore even us you implore his mercy. Please also remember to forgive all those who have hurt you and wronged you, purge your heart of bitterness and resentment, ask God to help you to forgive. (Please recite the chaplet of divine mercy)

God bless you all!


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