What is truth?

Pontius Pilate once asked Jesus , "what is truth?" We all have our versions of truth and our own truths but we need to ponder deeper on this question. In my mind being truthful means trying your best to say things as they really are and not as we wish they were or in order to flatter or give false comfort to someone. However we must also be charitable in the way we speak the truth in order not to shame or dishonor them.

Sometimes its best to say "i will not talk about this" especially in regard to another person's private affairs. It is best to be silent and not reveal to other people someone's misfortunes or intimate details about their lives. It is none of their business after all! Gossip will never be right even if there is truth behind it because it destroys reputations!

Half truths are just as bad as lies so we need to learn to say the truth with charity. We also need to learn to say yes or no and learn to control our tongues as too much talking often leads us into trouble or saying things we shouldn't! May Jesus, who is truth, guide us as we stirve to be truthful in all that we say and do, Amen.


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